While it offers the option to make in-game purchases to speed things up, letting you buy packs with cash instead of just in-game Gems, that’s not strictly necessary.

The first thing that shocked me about Master Duel was that it’s a free to play game. And though it’s not a perfect game, it does a lot right. But the digital wizards at Konami had another project secretly brewing – Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. And while the previously released Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution was a fantastic game, and one I spent way too much time playing, it also came out a couple years ago.

But what any fan of the popular trading card game (TCG) will tell you is they just want one thing – a way to try out the most current cards without buying them first.

So when I’m not spending all my free time writing up video games, I play a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh! I’ve been a fan since it first came to the West two decades ago, and the game continues to evolve in fascinating new ways. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Has the Heart of the Cards